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Kyrgyz PM Offers Views On Constitutional Reforms

BISHKEK, October 12, 2006 (RFE/RL) -- Prime Minister Feliks Kulov told a gathering of politicians and civic representatives today in the capital that much-awaited constitutional reforms are needed to maintain stability in Kyrgyzstan.

He said Kyrgyzstan should have a political system that guarantees judiciary independence of the judiciary.

Kulov also said the party that wins a majority in parliament should be granted greater political leverage.

"The party that wins [parliamentary elections] should decide [the] government we must have and the government should, in turn, be in charge of everything -- personnel issues, economic issues, and so on," Kulov said. "The president should be the guarantor of the constitution. He should keep an eye on the situation and see that no one violates the constitution. He should not make populist moves. In that case, whoever becomes prime minister does not matter. It doesn't matter whether it is someone from the south, or someone from the north [of the country] -- because it is the party [that has the majority in parliament] that controls everything."

President Kurmanbek Bakiev said on September 28 that he favored constitutional reforms that would retain a strong executive and ensure that the head of state has considerable influence over day-to-day politics.

Kulov was addressing the gathering of representatives of Kyrgyzstan's civil society, political parties, parliament, and media organizations to discuss recent political and social developments in the country.

Estimates put the number of participants at several hundred.

The civic forum took place on the premises of the Bishkek Museum of History.

(RFE/RL's Kyrgyz Sercvice,, AKIpress)