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Kazakh Court Releases Banker, Jails Arresting Officials

(RFE/RL) September 3, 2007 (RFE/RL) -- An Almaty court today ordered NurBank official Abilmazhin Gilimov to be released from jail, and ruled instead to imprison the officials who ordered Gilimov's arrest, RFE/RL's Kazakh Service reported.

Gilimov and four policemen who tried to prevent a group of men from entering the NurBank building were jailed in January.

The men who entered the building, claiming it was under new ownership, were working for Rakhat Aliev, at that time a leading businessman, deputy foreign minister, and the son-in-law of Kazakhstan's president.

Since then Aliev has been fired from all state posts, stripped of many of his business interests in Kazakhstan, and divorced from the president's daughter. The Kazakh government is now seeking his extradition from Austria.

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