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Russian Troops To Stay In Georgia Buffer Zone

A small Russian column leaves positions outside Gori on August 19.

Russia has said its troops will remain in a "buffer zone" on the Georgian side of South Ossetia's border as long as Moscow deems it necessary.

Moscow originally promised to begin its pull its forces out of Georgia on August 18, but the West has complained that Russia has not kept its side of the bargain.

So far, only a handful of armored vehicles have left the central Georgian town of Gori, while another column of trucks crossed back into Russia on August 20.

The Russians have countered, however, that they are abiding by the terms of the cease-fire agreed last week, because it allows Russia to carry out "additional security measures" in South Ossetia.

Moscow says that includes a zone extending several kilometers beyond the South Ossetian border into the rest of Georgia.

"The agreement provides for this buffer zone and the advancement of Russian peacekeeping troops in the event of conflict situations," said Colonel General Anatoly Nogovitsyn, the deputy head of Russia's General Staff.

Nogovitsyn said that this means that "we have the right, under certain conditions, to advance to the boundaries of the whole zone of responsibility."

"At the first stage, [we will set up] eight outposts, less than a battalion, 272 men, and later a second line of outposts already along the administrative border of Ossetia, which, of course, need to be equipped from the point of view of engineering and be prepared for providing support to peacekeepers," Nogovitsyn said.

He said Russian troops also have a mandate to operate in a buffer zone around Abkhazia, another separatist Georgian region. Nogovitsyn said that zone includes the key road hub Senaki, where the Georgian military has a military base.

RFE/RL's Georgian Service correspondent in the central town of Gori says that in a meeting with the commander of Russian troops there, the commander presented a map that seemed to show around 50 Georgian villages near Gori, north of the central highway, as being under Russian control. He said this would ensure Russian control of two villages on the main east-west highway.

Diplomatic Tensions

Against this backdrop, diplomatic tensions flared between Russia and the West at meetings of NATO and the UN Security Council on August 19.

NATO said it was freezing regular contacts with Moscow until all Russian troops leave Georgia. Russia shot back, with Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov saying NATO was trying to make a victim of Georgia's "criminal regime."

And at the United Nations, Russia rejected a draft resolution calling on it to withdraw is forces to pre-fighting positions, as required by the French-brokered peace deal.
Tskhinvali on August 20

Moscow said the text did not include and endorse the full six-point peace plan signed by Georgia and Russia.

But if the focus of the crisis is now on the Russian troop withdrawal and upon diplomatic sparring, it could shift in the coming hours to events in Georgia's breakaway region of Abkhazia.

On August 20, the Abkhaz parliament voted in favor of asking Russia to recognize the province as an independent state.

Georgian Reintegration Minister Temur Iakobashvili dismissed the appeal as meaningless.

But in Moscow, the speaker of Russia's upper house of parliament, the Federation Council, said on August 20 that lawmakers are ready to recognize the independence of separatist regions in Georgia. The council is to hold an emergency session on August 25.

All this sets the stage for yet another escalation of tensions in the Georgia crisis. Both Abkhazia and South Ossetia are officially recognized internationally, including by Russia, as part of Georgia.

Go-Slow Pullout

President Dmitry Medvedev reportedly told French President Nicolas Sarkozy, whose country holds the rotating EU Presidency, in a telephone conversation on August 19 that all but 500 Russian troops would be pulled out of Georgia over the next two days.

RFE/RL's Georgian Service correspondent in Gori says the number of Russian troops and military vehicles was down overnight but adds that it's too early to tell whether it will lead to a withdrawal.

Abkhaz troops in the Kodori Gorge on August 14
"Last night was the noisiest night [in Gori] since the bombing ended," correspondent Goga Aptsiauri reports. "Aside from the vehicles moving, you could hear fire from automatic weapons and patrolling was intensified. They were patrolling in vehicles as well as on foot. I suppose they might have been trying to secure their flanks [in anticipation of a withdrawal]."

A local official in Gori quoted the Russian commander of forces in the area, Major General Vyacheslav Borisov, as telling him that seven checkpoints will remain ahead of a pullout by August 22.

"We are dealing with equipment in the security zones," Borisov told RFE/RL. "We already started leaving -- a long time ago. Those [Russian forces] in [the South Ossetian capital] Tskhinvali, they're already going back. We [forces in the Gori area] entered first, so we have to be last to go. We've abolished quite a few checkpoints."

Russian naval infantry also hold Georgia's key Black Sea port of Poti. In the occupied areas, the troops continue to dismantle or destroy Georgian military infrastructure.

with additional agency reporting

Crisis In Georgia

Crisis In Georgia
For RFE/RL's full coverage of the conflict that began in Georgia's breakway region of South Ossetia, click here.

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Mantas Danielius appears in court in Vilnius on September 20.

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Rustem Seitmemetov (left to right), Seitumer Seitumerov, and Osman Seitumerov appear in court. (file photo)

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Bashkir activist Zagir Mukhamedyarov (file photo)
Bashkir activist Zagir Mukhamedyarov (file photo)

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U.S. Condemns Belarusian TV For Airing 'Repentance' By Jailed American

U.S.-Belarusian citizen Yuras Zyankovich is shown on Belarusian television on September 19.
U.S.-Belarusian citizen Yuras Zyankovich is shown on Belarusian television on September 19.

The U.S. charge d'affaires at the embassy in Minsk on September 20 condemned a video broadcast on Belarusian state television that showed imprisoned U.S.-Belarusian citizen Yuras Zyankovich begging, likely under duress, for help from U.S. presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

"I resolutely condemn the Belarusian regime's reprehensible depiction of a detained U.S. citizen on state media for propaganda purposes and refute the baseless claims made in the program," Peter Kaufman said in a statement.

"The regime's history of using coercive tactics to produce content like this strongly calls into question the voluntary nature of the U.S. citizen's participation," he said, adding that U.S. citizens "should not travel to Belarus and those in Belarus should depart immediately."

Zyankovich was arrested in April 2021 and sentenced to 11 years in prison in September 2022 on charges of allegedly planning to assassinate authoritarian ruler Alyaksandr Lukashenka and his family and seize power in the country.

In January 2022, an additional six months were added to his sentence on a charge of insulting an official.

Late on September 19, Zyankovich, who looked to have lost a significant amount of weight, appeared in a propaganda film aired by state-run Belarus-1 TV where he "repents."

Under apparent duress, Zyankovich gave details of the alleged plan to overthrow Lukashenka's government.

At the end of the film, Zyankovich makes an appeal to U.S. presidential candidates Harris and Trump, asking them to help secure his release and reunite him with his family in Houston, Texas.

Analysts said that the appeal, orchestrated by Belarusian authorities amid the release of over 100 political prisoners in recent months, appears to be part of Minsk's attempt to engage in dialogue with the West.

Zyankovich is serving his term in a prison in the eastern region of Mahilyou, notorious for its harsh treatment of political detainees.

Rights defenders said earlier this year that Zyankovich was charged with violation of the penitentiary's internal regulations and may face an additional year in prison if tried and convicted on that charge.

Human rights organizations have declared Zyankovich a political prisoner.

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Pakistani soldiers patrol in South Waziristan. (file photo)
Pakistani soldiers patrol in South Waziristan. (file photo)

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Boris Berezovsky (file photo)
Boris Berezovsky (file photo)

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Zubaidulloh Roziq in May 2011
Zubaidulloh Roziq in May 2011

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U.S. citizen Russell Bentley was allegedly killed by Russian soldiers in April.

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EU Chief Announces $39 Billion Loan For Ukraine Recovery

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (left) is given a bouquet of flowers to place at a wall in Kyiv commemorating the fallen Ukrainian soldiers in the war with Russia on September 20.
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (left) is given a bouquet of flowers to place at a wall in Kyiv commemorating the fallen Ukrainian soldiers in the war with Russia on September 20.

The European Commission will provide Ukraine with a new loan of up to $39 billion, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced in Kyiv on September 20, calling it "another major EU contribution to Ukraine's recovery."

"Relentless Russian attacks means Ukraine needs continued EU support," von der Leyen said in a post on X.

Speaking in a joint press conference with von der Leyen, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said his country's "victory plan" in the war against Russia depended on quick decisions being made by allies this year.

Live Briefing: Russia's Invasion Of Ukraine

RFE/RL's Live Briefing gives you all of the latest developments on Russia's full-scale invasion, Kyiv's counteroffensive, Western military aid, global reaction, and the plight of civilians. For all of RFE/RL's coverage of the war in Ukraine, click here.

Zelenskiy said Ukraine plans to use the funds for air defense, energy, and domestic weapons purchases.

The loan is part of a wider plan among the Group of Seven (G7) countries to raise funds to support Kyiv using proceeds from some $300 billion in Russian financial assets frozen as part of sanctions against Moscow for invading Ukraine.

After months of discussions, the European Union in May struck a deal among its member states under which 90 percent of the proceeds would go into an EU-run fund for military aid for Ukraine, with the other 10 percent going to support Kyiv in other ways.

Von der Leyen's visit to the Ukrainian capital comes a day after she announced the EU will provide an additional $178 million to help Ukraine repair damaged energy infrastructure, expand renewable energy, and finance shelters.

Ahead of the meeting with Zelenskiy, the EU chief said she was in Kyiv to discuss Europe's support to Ukraine "from winter preparedness to defense, to accession and progress on the G7 loans."

"My 8th visit to Kyiv comes as the heating season starts soon, and Russia keeps targeting energy infrastructure," von der Leyen said in a post on X early on September 20.

Earlier this week, the Paris-based International Energy Agency (IEA) warned that the coming winter could be the hardest yet for Ukraine, as the country's energy infrastructure is under significant pressure amid Russian strikes on its power plants, heating plants, and transmission networks.

"Strains that are bearable in the summer months may become unbearable when temperatures start to fall and supplies of heat and water falter, triggering further displacement of affected populations across the country and abroad," the IEA said.

Ukraine's air force said on September 20 that air defenses destroyed 61 out of 70 Russian drones and one out of four missiles launched overnight.

"The air defense system operated in Dnipropetrovsk, Kyiv, Vinnytsya, Cherkasy, Kirovohrad, Sumy, Poltava, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Khmelnytskiy, Mykolayiv, Odesa, and Kherson regions," the air force said on Telegram.

There were no immediate reports of any casualties in the latest nighttime attacks.

Officials in the Lviv region reported that falling debris caused a fire in a village and also damaged three vehicles and shattered windows in residential buildings.

"The premises of the former collective farm caught fire, which firefighters promptly extinguished," the head of the regional military administration Maksym Kozytskiy wrote on Telegram.

With reporting by dpa, AFP, and Reuters

RFE/RL's Kurmasheva Among 4 Reporters Honored With International Press Freedom Award

Alsu Kurmasheva attends a court hearing in Kazan in May.
Alsu Kurmasheva attends a court hearing in Kazan in May.

Alsu Kurmasheva, an RFE/RL journalist who was released in August in a major prisoner swap between Russia and the West, is among four reporters to be honored with the prestigious 2024 International Press Freedom Award, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has announced.

"CPJ's International Press Freedom Awardees symbolize the vital work carried out by reporters everywhere to report facts in the face of fierce attempts to suppress truth," CPJ chief executive Jodie Ginsberg said in a statement on September 19.

"In what has been a devastating year for journalists and for press freedom, it is an honor to stand with them," Ginsberg said.

Kurmasheva, 47, will receive the award in November along with the other three honorees -- Palestinian journalist Shrouq al-Aila, Guatemalan reporter Quimy de Leon, and Samira Sabou from Niger, the CPJ statement said.

Shortly after the CPJ announcement, Kurmasheva said the recognition from the media watchdog “is deeply meaningful” to her.

“CPJ played a pivotal role in advocating for my release, and for that, I am eternally grateful. I’m honored to stand alongside three remarkable journalists whose stories of courage and resilience continue to inspire me,” Kurmasheva said on September 20.

Kurmasheva, a dual Russian-U.S. citizen, was detained in June 2023 while waiting for her return flight to Prague from Kazan. Authorities confiscated both of her passports and her phone. She was released but barred from leaving the country.

After five months of waiting for a decision in her case, Kurmasheva was fined 10,000 rubles ($109) for failing to register her U.S. passport with Russian authorities.

Unable to leave Russia without her travel documents, Kurmasheva in October was arrested, jailed, and charged with being an undeclared "foreign agent."

Two months later, she was charged with spreading falsehoods about the Russian military.

In July, a court in Tatarstan's capital, Kazan, sentenced Kurmasheva to 6 1/2 years in prison.

On August 1, she was released along with two other U.S. citizens -- Evan Gershkovich and Paul Whelan.

Armenian Activists Want COP29 To Serve As Stage For Airing Alleged Rights Abuses In Karabakh

The meeting of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission in Washington on September 19
The meeting of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission in Washington on September 19

WASHINGTON -- Armenian activists urged members of the U.S. Congress to use the upcoming COP29 climate change conference in Baku to draw attention to alleged human rights abuses in the Nagorno-Karabakh region.

Six Armenian activists testified on September 19 before a congressional human rights commission, outlining numerous alleged human rights abuses by Azerbaijan, as well as steps the United States can take to further support Armenia and its people.

The hearing before the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission aimed to explore “how the United States, Congress and the Executive Branch can do more to protect Armenia,” according to Representative Chris Smith (Republican-New Jersey), co-chairman of the commission, previously known as the Congressional Human Rights Caucus.

COP29, the annual United Nations Climate Change Conference, is set to be held in the capital of Azerbaijan in November. The event, which draws national leaders from across the globe, has garnered criticism for being held in an oil-rich nation with an ever-growing list of alleged human rights violations.

During the hearing, Gegham Stepanian, a human rights defender from Nagorno-Karabakh, said Azerbaijan "is not being held accountable,” complaining that the United Nations is allowing Baku to host COP29 even with what he called “ethnic cleansing through forced displacement.”

Smith reiterated that message, expressing frustration and disappointment that the United States didn’t object to Azerbaijan hosting COP29. He said far more needs to be done regarding “clear and unmistakable human rights abuses.”

The hearing came as Armenia marked the one-year anniversary of Azerbaijan’s lightning military offensive in Nagorno-Karabakh, which led to the displacement of over 100,000 ethnic Armenians. At the time, Azerbaijan pledged equal treatment for those who fled. It has also denied accusations of ethnic cleansing.

Since then, Azerbaijan and Armenia have held negotiations on a peace treaty that the two sides earlier this month said was 80 percent complete.

Adam Smith, co-director of the Caucasus Heritage Watch, told the commission that other alleged abuses have taken place in Nagorno-Karabakh, accusing Azerbaijan of undertaking “one of the most expansive and intense examples of cultural erasures.”

According to Adam Smith, in the past year alone 14 culturally significant sites including cemeteries and churches have been destroyed, with 12 others having suffered significant damage.

Alleged human rights abuses in Nagorno-Karabakh make up only some of the violations that have led to condemnation of COP29 being held in Baku. According to Kate Watters, co-founder and executive director of Crude Accountability, an environmental and social justice organization, there are 303 political prisoners currently being held in Azerbaijan, many of whom are journalists.

Watters called on Congress to “demand the immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners” in Azerbaijan.

With COP29 looming, Van Krikorian, co-chair of the Armenian Assembly of America, called on the United States to use the platform and location to highlight points that the Armenian activists have raised. He asked that the name of every political prisoner in Azerbaijan be read aloud when the U.S. delegate takes the floor at the climate conference. He also implored delegates not to stay in any hotel or other accommodation on land that had previously belonged to ethnic Armenians.

In his closing remarks to the commission, Chris Smith promised he would do everything in his power to bolster support for Armenia. He added that the international community should “pursue a war crimes tribunal” to pursue the alleged actions taken by top Azerbaijan officials in the Nagorno-Karabakh region.

European Parliament Urges Serbia Not To Extradite Belarusian Activist Hnyot

Belarusian journalist and activist Andrey Hnyot (file photo)
Belarusian journalist and activist Andrey Hnyot (file photo)

The European Parliament on September 19 passed a resolution on political prisoners in Belarus that called on Serbia not to extradite Belarusian activist and journalist Andrey Hnyot (aka Andrew Gnyot).

The resolution, which was adopted 565-8 with 43 abstentions, also called on political prisoners in Belarus to be released, for the regime in Minsk to be held accountable, and for an end to the persecution of Belarusian citizens in exile.

The resolution noted the "abuse of Interpol arrest warrants to achieve extradition of political opponents from non-EU countries."

Hnyot was arrested at Belgrade's airport in late October 2023 on an Interpol warrant issued by Belarus, which has since been revoked. The arrest warrant accused Hnyot of tax evasion, a charge he denies. He has been under house arrest while awaiting Serbia's final decision on his extradition.

The European Parliament’s resolution calls on Serbia to refrain from extraditing Hnyot and for the EU and member states to monitor his case.

Hnyot says all accusations against him are false and part of the Belarusian regime’s “horrific repression against political dissidents, journalists, and activists.” He says he would be tortured if he were returned to Belarus.

He is one of hundreds of thousands of Belarusian citizens who took part in mass demonstrations in 2020 challenging the victory claimed by authoritarian leader Alyaksandr Lukashenka that gave him a sixth consecutive term.

Western countries do not recognize the results of those elections, and the European Union imposed sanctions on Minsk over the repression of participants in the demonstrations.

There are more than 1,500 political prisoners in Belarusian prisons. Among them are journalists, human rights activists, and politicians.

The European Parliament resolution urged the Belarusian authorities to supply information about their situation and allow them access to lawyers, family members, and the International Committee of the Red Cross.

"The Belarusian authorities should immediately and unconditionally release all of them," members of the parliament added.

The resolution also expressed concern over the estimated 300,000 Belarusians who have been forced to leave Belarus since 2020 and now face political persecution abroad.

The resolution called on the EU and its member states to strengthen sanctions against the individuals and entities responsible for repression in Belarus and work toward holding the Lukashenka regime accountable for its crimes.

Biden, Harris To Meet Zelenskiy At White House Next Week

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy meets U.S. President Joe Biden at the White House. (file photo)
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy meets U.S. President Joe Biden at the White House. (file photo)

U.S. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic party's presidential nominee, will hold separate meetings with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on September 26, the White House said in a statement on September 19. "The leaders will discuss the state of the war between Russia and Ukraine, including Ukraine's strategic planning and U.S. support for Ukraine in its defense against Russian aggression," White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre said in the statement. "The president and vice president will emphasize their unshakeable commitment to stand with Ukraine until it prevails in this war," she added. The Ukrainian presidency announced separately that Zelenskiy also will meet former U.S. President Donald Trump, the Republican party's presidential nominee.

U.S. Hits Network Allegedly Facilitating Russia-North Korea Sanctions Evasion

The test-firing of a North Korean multiple rocket launcher (file photo)
The test-firing of a North Korean multiple rocket launcher (file photo)

The United States on September 19 imposed sanctions on a network of five entities and one individual for allegedly enabling payments between Russia and North Korea, the Treasury Department said.

The entities and the individual are based in Russia and the Georgian region of South Ossetia, the department said in a news release. They are accused of actions that “supported ongoing efforts to establish illicit payment mechanisms” between Russia and the North Korea.

"Today's action holds accountable parties that have assisted [North Korea] and Russian sanctions evasion," the Treasury Department said.

Western powers have accused cash-strapped North Korea of selling ammunition to Russia in defiance of sanctions over the more than 30-month-old war in Ukraine, and North Korea has recently bolstered military ties with Russia.

President Vladimir Putin made a rare visit to Pyongyang in June and signed a "comprehensive strategic partnership" that calls for mutual assistance in the event of an attack by a third country.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, who met with Putin, said the agreement opened a new era of cooperation. Kim made further pledges to deepen ties with Russia after meeting last week with visiting Russian security chief Sergei Shoigu.

The new sanctions announced on September 19 expose how Putin's government uses illegal financial schemes to help North Korea access the international banking system in violation of UN Security Council sanctions, the Treasury Department said.

The announcement also “underscores our significant concern” over efforts by Russia and North Korea to deepen financial cooperation in violation of UN resolutions, said Acting Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Bradley T. Smith.

The United States has previously sanctioned many of the entities and individuals providing assistance to North Korea's ballistic missile program. International sanctions against North Korea over Pyongyang's nuclear program were imposed after its first nuclear test in 2006.

Outgoing NATO Chief Says Members Must Be 'Willing To Pay The Price' Of Peace

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg: "We have to be willing to pay the price for peace."
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg: "We have to be willing to pay the price for peace."

In his farewell after leading NATO for a decade, Jens Stoltenberg warned against “isolationism” among members of the military alliance, saying its 32 members must be "willing to pay the price for peace" in the face of an emboldened Russia.

Live Briefing: Russia's Invasion Of Ukraine

RFE/RL's Live Briefing gives you all of the latest developments on Russia's full-scale invasion, Kyiv's counteroffensive, Western military aid, global reaction, and the plight of civilians. For all of RFE/RL's coverage of the war in Ukraine, click here.

Speaking from NATO headquarters in Brussels on September 19, Stoltenberg highlighted the achievements since he assumed office in 2014, as well as ongoing challenges at a time when its relevance is "more important than ever."

“The good news is that we have delivered on the pledge we made 10 years ago [for individual members to spend 2 percent of GDP on defense], but the bad news is that this is no longer enough to keep us safe,” Stoltenberg said, suggesting that the spending target will not be enough to protect the alliance in the face of an increasingly assertive Russia.

"We have to be willing to pay the price for peace. The more money, the stronger our defenses, the more effective our deterrence, the greater our security," he said.

The 65-year-old Norwegian warned alliance members not to “trade short-term economic interests for long-term security needs,” saying that “protectionism against allies does not protect our security.”

Turning to Russia's war against Ukraine, which has become a contentious issue among some members who have questioned NATO’s strong support for Kyiv, Stoltenberg said that “Ukraine has to engage with Russia from a position of strength.”

Any future peace deal between Ukraine and Russia, he said, “must be backed by strong and sustained military support, not just pieces of paper.”

He also warned that “military power has its limits,” saying that “the purpose of any future military operation outside NATO territory must be clearly defined.”

“We need to be honest about what we can and cannot achieve,” he said of the grouping of two North American and 30 European states.

Addressing “voices” on both sides of the Atlantic calling for a parting of ways, he said that “investing in the transatlantic relationship is the only winning way forward” and that “isolationism will not keep anyone safe.”

Stoltenberg, a former prime minister of Norway who will return to his homeland to become central bank chief, will hand the reins over to former Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte on October 1.

Exclusive: Ukrainians Use Captured Russian Artillery To Defend Donbas Town
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In his last months in office, Stoltenberg has tried to unify NATO members, with member Hungary presenting obstacles to the alliance’s support for Ukraine and Prime Minister Viktor Orban saying it would not provide funds or military equipment to aid Kyiv.

Stoltenberg has also tried to calm nerves over suggestions that former U.S. President Donald Trump would attempt -- if reelected in November -- to withdraw Washington from NATO.

At the NATO summit in Washington in July, he stressed that it was in the interests of all members to remain united and downplayed Trump’s desire to leave, saying that his main concern during his first term was to get members to reach their defense-spending targets.

Stoltenberg has also said that NATO could have done more to prevent the war in Ukraine had its members provided military equipment to Kyiv before Russia’s all-out invasion in February 2022.

He lamented that NATO had not provided the weaponry that Kyiv requested because of fears that doing so would escalate tensions with Moscow.

During the July summit, he strongly backed Ukraine’s irreversible path to NATO membership, saying that its “future is in NATO.”

With Ukraine strongly lobbying its partners to permit its military to use donated weapons to strike deeper into Russia, Stoltenberg weighed in on the controversial subject by saying in an interview with The Times this weak that granting permission would not be a red line for Moscow.

The Kremlin on September 18 called the comments by the outgoing NATO secretary-general “dangerous."

Russia Launches Probe Against Chief Editor Of Novaya Gazeta Europe

Kirill Martynov (file photo)
Kirill Martynov (file photo)

Russian media reports on September 19 said the Investigative Committee has launched a probe against Kirill Martynov, the chief editor of the Latvia-based Novaya Gazeta Europe on a charge of "conducting activities of an undesirable organization." In June 2023, the Prosecutor-General's Office labeled the media outlet "undesirable," saying that the newspaper publishes "false information" about Russian armed forces involved in Moscow's ongoing invasion of Ukraine. Novaya Gazeta Europe was established by Russian journalists after the Kremlin launched its full-scale aggression against Ukraine in February 2023. Martynov vowed then that his periodical will continue its operations. To read the original story by Current Time, click here.

Husband Of Russia's Richest Woman Detained Over Deadly Shoot-Out In Moscow

Vladislav Bakalchuk has rejected all charges and considers them "absurd." (file photo)
Vladislav Bakalchuk has rejected all charges and considers them "absurd." (file photo)

Vladislav Bakalchuk, the husband of Russia's richest woman, Tatyana Bakalchuk, has been detained for 48 hours after a deadly shoot-out at the offices of Wildberries, the country's largest online retailer, founded and led by his estranged wife.

Bakalchuk's lawyers said on September 19 that their client was charged with murder, attempted murder, attacking a law enforcement officer, and the "forcible assertion of private right" as a result of the violence a day earlier.

The lawyers added that Bakalchuk had rejected all of the charges and considers them "absurd."

According to the lawyers, Bakalchuk insists that he and his people, including a lawyer, came to the Wildberries offices on September 18 for talks with his wife and her team to resolve business-related differences.

The Bakalchuks, who have seven children, are currently in the process of a divorce.

The Investigative Committee said hours after the incident that left two security guards dead and seven people, including two police officers, wounded, that it had launched an investigation into the "elements of crimes" -- including murder, the attempted murder of two or more people, illegal weapons possession, the attempted murder of a law enforcement officer, and the "forcible assertion of private right."

The press service of Wildberries said Vladislav Bakalchuk and several other men tried to "illegally break into" the offices of the company at two locations at the same time.

Tatyana Bakalchuk said on Telegram on September 19 that her company was mourning the deaths "of our guys," adding that the families of the deceased men will receive "necessary support."

Media reports identified the two men killed in the incident as Islambek Elmurziyev, 28, and Adam Almazov, 41. Both were from the North Caucasus region of Ingushetia.

The Ostorozhno, Moskva Telegram channel reported on September 18 that 10 people allegedly involved in the standoff -- some of whom are thought to be ethnic Chechens -- were detained at the site.

The RIA Novosti news agency quoted law enforcement officials as saying that a total of around 30 people were detained and taken in for questioning after the incident.

Tatyana Bakalchuk, 48, is the richest woman in Russia. She was born to an ethnic Korean family in October 1975 in Grozny, then the capital of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Forbes estimates her worth at more than $4 billion.

Wildberries has benefited from sanctions imposed following Russia's invasion of Ukraine as Western e-commerce firms pulled out of the country.

Company revenue jumped 70 percent last year to 539 billion rubles ($5.8 billion) while its net profit rose to 19 billion rubles ($205 million).

Tatyana Bakalchuk filed for divorce after her husband asked the Kremlin-backed authoritarian leader of the North Caucasus region of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, for help in a conflict with his wife in July, claiming plans to merge Wildberries with Russ Group were harmful for the company and amounted to a hostile takeover.

Tatyana Bakalchuk was the sole owner of her empire until December 2019, when she transferred 1 percent of her business to her husband.

She is believed to have ties to powerful political figures in the Russian government, including Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and his first deputy, Denis Manturov.

Russia experienced a wave of armed business raids in the turbulent decade immediately following the collapse of communism as groups fought over valuable former state assets. Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, there has been a reversal, with the state seizing ownership of not only former state assets but private businesses launched after 1991.

With reporting by Izvestia, TASS, Ostorozhno, Moskva and RIA Novosti

Iran Flies Ambassador, 95 Patients Out Of Lebanon After Explosions

Iranian Ambassador Mojtaba Amani is transferred to a hospital on September 17.
Iranian Ambassador Mojtaba Amani is transferred to a hospital on September 17.

Iran has evacuated its ambassador from Lebanon and 95 other patients following injuries sustained in pager explosions, officials said. Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi visited the injured diplomat, Mojtaba Amani, at a hospital in Tehran on September 19. State media initially reported that Amani suffered a "slight injury" after hundreds of pagers exploded on September 17. The Lebanese Hezbollah militia, a U.S.-designated terrorist group that was the target of the explosions, is Iran's most important nonstate ally. A second wave of communication devices -- this time walkie-talkies -- blew up on September 18. Israel has not publicly admitted responsibility, but the country is widely assumed to be behind the coordinated blasts.

Bosnia Misses Deadline For European Growth Funds

Boznia has failed to file on time to receive EU funds for reforms.
Boznia has failed to file on time to receive EU funds for reforms.

Bosnia-Herzegovina has missed the deadline to file a reform agenda necessary to receive EU Growth Plan funds. The funds slated for Western Balkan countries are earmarked by Brussels to boost the rule of law, democracy, institutional reforms, and anti-corruption efforts. Bosnia sent a document to the European Commission on September 17, but it did not adequately address the commission's reform recommendations, according to sources in Brussels familiar with the issue. The Instrument for Preaccession Assistance, which supports reforms for EU-candidate countries, has postponed its meeting to discuss the reform agendas until October due to Sarajevo's failure to meet the deadline. To read the original story by RFE/RL's Balkan Service, click here.

U.S. Says Iranian Hackers Failed To Interest Biden Campaign With Info Stolen From Trump

Former U.S. President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump (file photo)
Former U.S. President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump (file photo)

The FBI and other federal U.S. agencies say Iranian hackers sent unsolicited e-mails to individuals then associated with President Joe Biden's reelection campaign that contained an excerpt taken from stolen, nonpublic material from former President Donald Trump's campaign as text in the e-mails.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), the FBI, and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) said in a joint statement on September 18 that Iran has made efforts to sow discord and shape the outcome of U.S. elections scheduled for November 5.

"Iranian malicious cyber-actors have continued their efforts since June to send stolen, nonpublic material associated with former President Trump’s campaign to U.S. media organizations," the joint statement said, noting there is currently no information indicating any of the recipients replied.

"This malicious cyber-activity is the latest example of Iran's multipronged approach, as noted in the joint August statement, to stoke discord and undermine confidence in our electoral process," it added.

The U.S. intelligence community has been warning it expects Russia, China, and Iran to attempt to influence U.S. politics and policies to "benefit their interests and undermine U.S. democracy and Washington's standing in the world."

Trump is the Republican Party candidate, while current Vice President Kamala Harris is the candidate for the Democratic Party.

Biden was the party's candidate until July 21, when he announced his withdrawal from the campaign and endorsed Harris as his replacement.

Hackers have also tried to target Harris's e-mail accounts as well through phishing attacks carried out by a group with suspected ties to Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), the elite branch of the armed forces.

Experts say an Iranian network dubbed "Storm-2035" operates multiple inauthentic news sites on the web and social media that use AI-generated content to agitate conservative and liberal dissidence.

"Foreign actors are increasing their election influence activities as we approach November," the ODNI joint statement said.

"In particular, Russia, Iran, and China are trying by some measure to exacerbate divisions in U.S. society for their own benefit, and see election periods as moments of vulnerability. Efforts by these, or other foreign actors, to undermine our democratic institutions are a direct threat to the U.S. and will not be tolerated."

In addition to the presidency, all 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 34 of the 100 seats in the Senate are being contested in the election.


Russia Diverted 40,000 Troops After Ukraine's Kursk Insursion, Zelenskiy Claims

Elderly people are evacuated after a Russian strike hit a nursing home in Sumy on September 19.
Elderly people are evacuated after a Russian strike hit a nursing home in Sumy on September 19.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on September 19 that Ukraine's incursion into Russia's southwestern Kursk region had resulted in the Russian military diverting 40,000 troops to the area.

His comments in his nightly video address came after Moscow and Kyiv gave conflicting accounts of the situation in the Kursk region following Ukraine's surprise incursion launched in August.

Earlier on September 19, Russia's military claimed it had gained ground in attempts to beat back the incursion, while Ukraine's military said the Russian counteroffensive had been halted.

Russian Major General Apti Alaudinov, commander of a Chechen special forces unit and an official within the Defense Ministry, said on September 19 that Russian forces had recaptured two villages in the Kursk region.

Ukrainian military spokesman Oleksiy Dmytrashkivskiy, meanwhile, told AFP that a Russian flanking maneuver in the Kursk region was "stopped."

Live Briefing: Russia's Invasion Of Ukraine

RFE/RL's Live Briefing gives you all of the latest developments on Russia's full-scale invasion, Kyiv's counteroffensive, Western military aid, global reaction, and the plight of civilians. For all of RFE/RL's coverage of the war in Ukraine, click here.

"The situation was stabilized and today everything is under control, they are not successful," Dmytrashkivskiy said on September 19.

In recent weeks Russia has claimed to have retaken several villages overrun by Ukrainian forces during the incursion. At its height, Ukraine was believed to have controlled some 1,300 square kilometers in the Kursk region, which borders northeastern Ukraine.

Zelenskiy has said that Kyiv does not intend to hold Russian territory but that the incursion gives Ukraine more leverage in possible peace negotiations and that captured Russian soldiers are of value for prisoner exchanges.

Three such exchanges involving Russian and Ukrainian soldiers have been conducted since the August 6 incursion.

Zelenskiy also said in his nightly video that Ukrainian forces have reduced the ability of Russian troops to launch attacks in the Donetsk region on the eastern front.

Russian forces took aim on September 19 at the Sumy region, hitting a nursing home, Zelenskiy said. The strike killed one person and wounded 12 others, the State Emergency Service said on Telegram. The post included pictures showing elderly people in wheelchairs waiting outdoors and others lying on the ground under blankets.

The strike partially destroyed the fifth floor of the building and blew out windows on the ground floor. More than 140 people had to be evacuated, the Emergency Service said.

Russia's counteroffensive on its own territory, which Alaudinov said resulted in the recapture of the towns of Nikolayevo-Darino and Darino on September 19, has reportedly left its troops within 15 kilometers of the Ukrainian border.

It has also put Russian forces within striking distance of the Russian city of Sverdlikovo, located near the border, which Ukrainian forces have been using as a logistics hub.

Even as Ukrainian forces advanced into Russia, the Russian military says it has made significant gains in its attempts to capture the strategic city of Pokrovsk in Ukraine's eastern Donetsk region.

"Our entire front has moved forward," Alaudinov said on September 19, referring to both the counteroffensive in Russia and the advancements in eastern Ukraine.

The governor of Russia's Belgorod region, meanwhile, said on September 19 that Ukraine was continuing to target the region with shelling and drone strikes.

Vyacheslav Gladkov said that only minor damage had been reported after 22 drones and more than 160 artillery strikes.

In Ukraine, the national energy grid operator Ukrenerho said that Russian strikes in the northeastern region of Sumy had led to temporary power cuts.

Ukraine's energy infrastructure has been heavily targeted by Russia, which the International Energy Agency (IEA) said in its latest report could lead to an energy shortfall this winter.

"Further attacks on infrastructure, unforeseen equipment failures and missed maintenance cycles add further risks," the IEA said on September 19.

The UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine in a report the same day said that increased Russian efforts to attack energy infrastructure beginning in the fall of 2022 had left Ukrainian cities without power for hours at a time over the course of weeks.

"There are reasonable grounds to believe that multiple aspects of the military campaign to damage or destroy Ukraine's civilian electricity and heat-producing and transmission infrastructure have violated foundational principles of international humanitarian law," the report said.

On September 19, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said that 160 million euros ($178 million) taken from the proceeds of frozen Russian assets would be sent to Ukraine to help it deal with urgent humanitarian needs this winter.

With reporting by AFP, TASS, and Reuters

Ukrainian Lawmaker Put On Wanted List Amid Bribery Allegations

Andriy Odarchenko (file photo)
Andriy Odarchenko (file photo)

Ukraine's High Anti-Corruption Court has added Andriy Odarchenko, a lawmaker for the pro-presidential Servant of the People party, to its international wanted list for allegedly attempting to bribe a senior official. Odarchenko allegedly attempted to bribe the chief of the State Agency for Reconstruction and Development of Infrastructure, Mustafa Nayyem, in exchange for an allocation of funds to the Kharkiv State Biotechnology University. The court announced the move on September 19 after Odarchenko failed to show up at a hearing of his case a day earlier. Prosecutors said he might have left Ukraine. The 45-year-old Odarchenko was detained in November and later released on bail. He has rejected the charge. To read the original story by RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service, click here.

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