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Supporters Of Pakistan's Ex-Prime Minister Rally For His Release

Supporters Of Pakistan's Ex-Prime Minister Rally For His Release
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Thousands of supporters of the Pakistan Tehrik-e Insaf (PTI) party headed from Peshawar -- the capital of Pakistan's northern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province -- to a rally in the city of Lahore on September 21. They were planning to join other PTI supporters from across Pakistan to demand the release of the party's founder, former Prime Minister Imran Khan, who has been jailed for more than a year on a series of charges. The Peshawar crowd was led by Ali Amin Gandapur, the province's chief minister and the PTI's regional leader. One of the conditions set by Lahore authorities to allow the rally was a requirement that Gandapur apologize for critical remarks he made about Pakistan's military. He has not apologized.