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Russian Newspaper Investigating Possible Cyberattack

"Novaya Gazeta" newspaper
"Novaya Gazeta" newspaper
The website of the influential Russian independent newspaper "Novaya gazeta" was inaccessible through much of today and is thought to have been hacked, RFE/RL's Russian Service reports.

"Novaya gazeta" spokeswoman Nadezhda Prusenkova told RFE/RL the newspaper's technical staff is trying to find the reasons for the website's problems. She said management has not ruled out the possibility that the daily is the victim of a cyberattack.

The newspaper began publishing news and other articles on its LiveJournal page since its site was unavailable.

"Novaya gazeta" is known for its critical and investigative coverage of political and social issues. Four prominent journalists at the newspaper were murdered between 2001 and 2009.