BREAKING: Barack Obama said Russia is "on the wrong side of history" on Ukraine and that Russian actions in Ukraine violate international law. Speaking Monday at the White House, Obama said Russia's decision to deploy troops in Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula would prove a "costly proposition for Moscow" and added the situation in Crimea was "deeply troubling." He urged Russian President Vladimir Putin to allow international monitors to mediate a deal that would be acceptable to Ukraine's people. Obama also called on the U.S. Congress to provide an assistance package to the Ukrainian people quickly.
Amazing scene of ukraine navy vessel surrounded by Russian flagged tugs & blocked by Russian warships In Sevastopol pic.twitter.com/pH4DhRHW3M
— William Booth (@BoothWilliam) March 3, 2014
Tweet just posted on verified @navalny account in his wife's name reports silenced opposition leader says: "No War!" https://t.co/W8nVWTWvMx
— Robert Mackey (@RobertMackey) March 3, 2014
And now this ultimatum to Ukraine to surrender - denied by Moscow. But what to believe when Moscow feeds us such a diet of disinformation
— Robert Parsons (@RobParsonsF24) March 3, 2014
Russia has denied reports of an ultimatum for tomorrow morning. We have updated our story accordingly.
Some economic ripples in Central Europe.
The Czech defense minister has said he couldn't imagine Russia involved with the country's Temelin nuclear power plant because Russia is no longer a democratic state.
A Russian consortium is bidding against Westinghouse for a tender to build new reactors at the plant.
Will Hungary do the same?
The Czech defense minister has said he couldn't imagine Russia involved with the country's Temelin nuclear power plant because Russia is no longer a democratic state.
A Russian consortium is bidding against Westinghouse for a tender to build new reactors at the plant.
Will Hungary do the same?
Getting more confirmation on the ultimatum from the Black Sea Fleet.
BBC reports Ukraine defense ministry press office confirms ultimatum from Russia's Black Sea Fleet http://t.co/BmIMfHzQCB
— Bret Barrowman (@bbarrowm) March 3, 2014
BREAKING. The commander of Russia's Black Sea Fleet Aleksandr Vitko has given Ukrainian military forces in Crimea until 05:00 local time (04:00 Prague Time) Tuesday to surrender or bases in the Crimea would be stormed. (Via Interfax and Ukrainskaya Pravda)
The top U.S. diplomat in Europe says that "advance teams" from the OSCE will start deploying in Ukraine later today, although Russian objections mean that a full-scale mission has yet to be agreed on. From the wires:
U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland, talking in Vienna on the sidelines of a special meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, called on Russia "to join that consensus, make the right choice, and pull back its forces" from Ukraine.
Earlier Monday, the U.S. envoy to the OSCE, Daniel Baer said the pan-European rights body should "immediately" send an observer mission to Ukraine.
Earlier Monday, the U.S. envoy to the OSCE, Daniel Baer said the pan-European rights body should "immediately" send an observer mission to Ukraine.
Rus troops during shift change outside #Privolnoye military base in #Crimea. Hand signals only way they communicate. pic.twitter.com/9xkm312CkT
— ЄВРОМАЙДАН (@euromaidan) March 3, 2014