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A woman shows a victory sign after a campaign rally in early June.
A woman shows a victory sign after a campaign rally in early June.

Iran Election Blog


On June 14, Iranians head to the polls in the country's first presidential election since the contested vote in 2009, the aftermath of which saw hundreds of thousands of protesters take to the streets to demonstrate against the results. Here, RFE/RL editors will compile some of the best tidbits from the last few days of the campaign, including comments sent by Iranians to RFE/RL's Radio Farda.

12:52 11.6.2013
13:15 11.6.2013
Campaigning in the city of Qom, Ali Akbar Velayati tells the crowd: "It is a privilege for me to be acknowledged by high-ranking clergies and theological scholars in the holy city of Qom and if elected, I will do my best to fulfil the expectations."

Advisor to the supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and hopeful presidential candidate Ali Akbar Velayati
Advisor to the supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and hopeful presidential candidate Ali Akbar Velayati
13:19 11.6.2013
13:48 11.6.2013
Yesterday, Mohammad Gharazi appeared on the TV program "Your Choice," where he took pre-recorded questions. One question asked about high interest rates at banks, which Gharazi said that the high rates were caused by high inflation, and that his government would be an "anti-inflation government."

"Vote for methods, not people," he said. "My way is fighting with inflation and developing republicanism and Islamism."

"I am neither a principlist, nor a reformist," Gharazi noted.

Presidential candidate Mohammad Gharazi: "Vote for methods, not people"
Presidential candidate Mohammad Gharazi: "Vote for methods, not people"
13:51 11.6.2013
14:25 11.6.2013
Read Golnaz Esfandiari's latest on complaints coming from conservative media outlets in Iran saying they are being negatively-affected by government filtering efforts.

Here's a snippet of the full item:

[R]eports in recent months suggest that conservative media, including blogs and news websites, have also been increasingly targeted by censors. The censorship has increased in the run-up to the June 14 presidential election.

The actions have led to a rare protest by more than 100 media activists -- said to be involved in managing semiofficial news agencies and conservative websites -- who have criticized the increased pressure against online media.

The activists write in their statement, issued over the weekend by the semiofficial Mehr news agency, that one of the bodies in charge of media work has in recent months taken "tough" and "unexpected" measures against the country's "known and official media."
14:28 11.6.2013
14:48 11.6.2013
Iran's Supreme Leader takes to Twitter to spell out the "qualities for the fittest candidates" for the presidency:

21:00 11.6.2013
06:56 12.6.2013

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