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The eight candidates who won approval to stand in Iran's presidential elections to be held in June.
The eight candidates who won approval to stand in Iran's presidential elections to be held in June.

Live Blog: Presidential Debate In Iran

In Tehran on May 31, the eight men approved to stand in Iran's presidential election on June 14 debated the issues live on Iranian state TV. RFE/RL's Golnaz Esfandiari live-blogged the debate.

14:42 31.5.2013
Haddad Adel: justice and progress should come together.
14:44 31.5.2013
Haddad Adel: justice in employment/ recruitment also important.
14:44 31.5.2013
14:45 31.5.2013
Rezai: the era of chanting slogans has ended... we need to work for justice in practice.
14:46 31.5.2013
Rohani: We've faced increasing corruption in recent years... Justice should be for everyone, all ethnicities, men and women.
14:48 31.5.2013
Rohani: 66 percent of women between the ages of 20 - 29 facing unemployment.
14:49 31.5.2013
14:49 31.5.2013
Next question is about the reduction in Iran's oil revenues and how candidates are planning to deal with it.
14:50 31.5.2013
Haddad Adel: non-oil exports should be increased.
14:51 31.5.2013
Haddad Hadel: financial discipline needed. We need Islamic style of living in this country.

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