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Aga Khan Buried In Egypt After Shia-Ismaili Muslims Commemorate Spiritual Leader

Aga Khan Buried In Egypt After Shia-Ismaili Muslims Commemorate Spiritual Leader
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Spiritual leader and business magnate Prince Karim Aga Khan, considered by his followers to be a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, was laid to rest in Aswan, Egypt today. He was remembered fondly by admirers in Pakistan and Lisbon a day earlier on February 8. Shia-Ismaili Muslims around the world reflected on Aga Khan's advocacy for peace, interfaith harmony, women's rights, and his philanthropy work. With a lifelong passion for design and architecture, Aga Khan poured a financial empire built on billions of dollars in tithes into building homes, hospitals, and schools in developing countries. He died on February 4 at 88.