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Standoff Between Protesters, Police In Kyiv
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Standoff Between Protesters, Police In Kyiv

Live Blog: Kyiv Protests Continue As Deadlines Loom

Security forces have begun removing protesters' barricades in Kyiv, while President Yanukovych calls for a "national roundtable" with government and opposition representatives.

Final Post (barring major developments)

--December 8 live blog here

-- President Viktor Yanukovych announced he had accepted a plan to hold a "national roundtable" with the opposition. In a statement on his official website, he said he plans on meeting with the three former Ukrainian presidents on December 10.

-- Towards early evening, riot police surrounded several protests encampments near the government quarter, beginning the process of taking down barricades and encampments. Protesters and police are now locked in standoff on several streets.

-- Security forces raided the offices of the Batkivschyna (Fatherland) political party of Yulia Tymoshenko, taking the party's servers. The Interior Ministry issued a statement later, saying they were investigating fraudulent claims to property.

-- The raid and the moves to tear down protest camps have prompted indignation from the West. U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden "expressed deep concern" in a phone call with Yanukovych. EU High Representative Catherine Ashton, who is flying to Kyiv on Tuesday, said the events "seriously risk" derailing a chance at compromise.

Glenn Kates
17:35 9.12.2013
Via our Ukrainian Service:

The Riot Police run up to protesters who have not stood up and shout "stand!"

17:36 9.12.2013
17:44 9.12.2013
Near Independence Square, via our Ukrainian Service:

Two rows of special service forces with shields lowered.

17:45 9.12.2013
Via "Kyiv Post," whose website is currently down, on the actions by Batkivschyna headquarters.

18:05 9.12.2013
Via our Ukrainian Service. New video of riot police and protesters clashing tonight on Luteranskaya street, near the presidential administration building.

Protesters chant: "Don't touch the police! They are waiting for that!"

18:20 9.12.2013
18:22 9.12.2013
A Batkivschyna deputy.

18:28 9.12.2013
More video of clashes this evening. This from from

18:33 9.12.2013
Vitaliy Klitschko's 37-year-old younger brother, Wladimir, has been side by side with his brother throughout the protests.

They are both boxing heavyweight champions.
18:52 9.12.2013
Arseniy Yatsenyuk, leader of the Batkivschyna faction in parliament, sarcastically connected today's raid on party headquarters with Yanukovych's proposal for a national roundtable.

"He gave us an invitation to the roundtable through the initiative of the Berkut [riot police] and special forces."

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