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People light candles at a makeshift memorial at Brussels' Place de la Bourse.
People light candles at a makeshift memorial at Brussels' Place de la Bourse.

Live Blog: Brussels Attacks

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-- Belgian authorities have identified the bombers. Federal prosecutor Frederic Van Leeuw has said that Ibrahim El Bakraoui blew himself up at the airport. His brother Khalid blew himself up in a subway car at Maalbeek station in central Brussels.

-- The two men shown pushing baggage carts with Ibrahim El Bakraoui in security-camera footage have yet to be identified.

-- Belgian media, which earlier reported the arrest of a prime suspect in the attacks, said the person detained was not, in fact, Najim Laachraoui.

-- Belgium is observing three days of mourning after bomb blasts in Brussels killed at least 34 people and wounded more than 200.

Reuters reports:

Staff not essential for the running of nuclear plants in Doel and Tihange in Belgium have been evacuated at the request of Belgian authorities. Read more here.

Via Reuters: Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the two bomb attacks in Brussels, a news agency affiliated with the group said.

Another photo going viral today...

​This photo of the suspected Brussels bombing attackers has been making the rounds online.

Take a look at the report here.

​#JeSuisBruxelles and #JeSuisBrussels — French for "I am Brussels" — are both trending on Twitter.

Facebook on Tuesday morning activated its Safety Check feature, which allows users in a tragedy or natural disaster to mark themselves as safe. It was widely used — and praised — after the Paris shootings attacks last November.

Watch our correspondent Rikard Jozwiak in Bourse square in Brussels at a spontaneous memorial in support of the city.

Amateur footage of the Brussels airport attack. Watch it here.

A memorial is coming together on Bourse square in Brussels.

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