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Iran's Presidential candidates pose for a group photo after their live television debate on state TV in Tehran on May 31
Iran's Presidential candidates pose for a group photo after their live television debate on state TV in Tehran on May 31

Live Blog: Presidential Debate in Iran -- Foreign Policy

Frud Bezhan and RFE/RL editors were on hand to live-blog the third and final debate with Iran's presidential candidates on June 7. While the first two debates dealt with mainly domestic issues, the third installment covered politics and foreign policy. Read how events unfolded here.

15:36 7.6.2013
Gharazi says Aref is repeatedly mentioning Khatami's name so he can attract support
15:35 7.6.2013
15:34 7.6.2013
Aref says under Khatami, the govt was earning $173 billion and created 700,000 jobs a year, brought down inflation to around 10 percent. But he says this govt has only earned $630 billion, taking a dig at the govt's mismanagement of the economy under Ahmadinejad
15:32 7.6.2013
Aref says the principlists should take responsbility for what they have done [to the economy] instead of pointing the blame at the "deviant current"
15:29 7.6.2013
Aref comparing Iran's economic performance under the reformists -- Ahmadinejad's govt. Aref: Under the reformist govt, we pursued economic growth, job generation was better, inflation was lower, our currency was stronger against the U.S. dollar.
15:25 7.6.2013
The fifth candidate to be called to the podium is university professor Mohammad Reza Aref, a relative moderate who served as vice president under reformist president Khatami...
15:24 7.6.2013
Aref starts: "Who is responsible for the status quo?"
15:23 7.6.2013
15:23 7.6.2013
15:18 7.6.2013
Iran's third and last election debate providing plenty of emotions/entertainment.

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