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Ukrainian acting Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk (right) welcomes U.S. Vice President Joe Biden before their meeting in Kyiv today.
Ukrainian acting Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk (right) welcomes U.S. Vice President Joe Biden before their meeting in Kyiv today.

Live Blog: Ukraine In Crisis (Archive)

17:03 22.4.2014
More on the reason Turchynov gave for renewing the "antiterrorist operation" in eastern Ukraine and ending any chance of the Geneva agreement being kept.
16:50 22.4.2014
16:49 22.4.2014
From our news desk:
Ukraine's acting President Oleksandr Turchynov has called for the relaunch of an "antiterrorist" operation against pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine, citing the death of a politician in the region. (Reuters, AFP, UNIAN)
16:48 22.4.2014
16:31 22.4.2014
From our news desk:
Ukraine's Defense Ministry has confirmed that one of its surveillance planes came under small-arms fire as it flew over the separatist-held town of Slovyansk in eastern Ukraine on April 22.
16:26 22.4.2014
16:25 22.4.2014
16:24 22.4.2014
16:15 22.4.2014
From our news desk:
Reports say a Ukrainian military surveillance plane came under small-arms fire as it flew over a rebel-held town in eastern Ukraine.

The incident reportedly occured over the town of Slovyansk on April 22.

The AFP news agency quotes an unnamed Defense Ministry spokesman as saying the plane, a propellor-driven Antonov An-30, was hit and damaged in the incident.

It also quotes a ministry statement saying the plane safely made an emergency landing. None of its crew members was hurt.

No confirmation of this report was available.

Pro-Moscow insurgents holding Slovyansk and other eastern towns have been ignoring the Geneva agreement signed last week between Ukraine, Russia, the United States and the European Union.

The deal calls for illegal armed groups to surrender their weapons and leave public buildings they occupy. (AFP and UNIAN)
15:58 22.4.2014
Confirmation journalist being held in Slovyansk:

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