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In Georgia, voters chose between the parties of President Mikheil Saakashvili and his chief rival, Bidzina Ivanishvili.
In Georgia, voters chose between the parties of President Mikheil Saakashvili and his chief rival, Bidzina Ivanishvili.

Liveblog: Parliamentary Elections In Georgia

Parliamentary polls in Georgia on October 1 were seen as a key test of competing visions of the country's political course. Follow the elections and their aftermath with RFE/RL.

10:42 1.10.2012
10:42 1.10.2012
Voting in Tbilisi. Photo by RFE/RL's Georgian Service's Mzia Saganelidze.
Voting in Tbilisi. Photo by RFE/RL's Georgian Service's Mzia Saganelidze.
10:49 1.10.2012
10:51 1.10.2012
10:57 1.10.2012
11:07 1.10.2012
11:11 1.10.2012
11:11 1.10.2012

Via Franak Viachorka in the village of Tulari in Sagarajo region: He saw groups of voters were brought in minibuses. The people on the bus were not speaking Georgian (it is an ethnic-Azeri village). Members of the election commission were translating the ballots for the voters -- which is against Georgian election rules. It is not illegal for the ballots to be translated, but it cannot be done by officials. RFE/RL corr. spoke with some the voters, and they said were "ordered" to vote for group #5 on the ballot -- the UNM slate.

11:16 1.10.2012
11:17 1.10.2012

Via RFE/RL's Georgian Service: In Poti, some voters have petroleum jelly on their hands, making it easy to clean the ink marker off of their hands after voting.

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