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The Power Vertical Feed

In this space, I will regularly comment on events in Russia, repost content and tweets I find interesting and informative, and shamelessly promote myself (and others whose work I like). The traditional Power Vertical Blog remains for larger and more developed items. The Podcast, of course, will continue to appear every Friday. I hope you find the new Power Vertical Feed to be a useful resource and welcome your feedback.

I'm live-blogging Vladimir Putin's state-of-the-nation address to parliament and to key Russian political, religious, and other figures.

10:27 4.12.2014

10:26 4.12.2014

Now Putin talking about cooperation wiith Latin America, Africa, and Middle East.

10:25 4.12.2014

10:25 4.12.2014

Putin: "We have the strength and courage to defend our freedom."

10:24 4.12.2014

Putin now criticizing U.S. over missile defense and pulling out of ABM Treaty. Nothing new so far...

10:23 4.12.2014

10:22 4.12.2014

"Hitler attacked Russia and tried to send us behind the Urals. We know how that ended."

10:22 4.12.2014

10:21 4.12.2014

10:20 4.12.2014

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