Putin says it is hard to convince business to invest in other sectors when it is so much easier to make profits in the resources/energy sectors.
Putin says that Russia is investing less in high-tech sectors than other developed economies. Says government has a plan to develop technology sectors through 2025. Notes high-tech and IT zones that have tax and other benefits.
Putin says Russia exports $14.5 billion in weapons and $7 billion in IT products. Says Russia is doing well in space and aviation sectors.
Putin interrupts Peskov and personally calls on a "Tatar" reporter.
Next question is about support for small business, including helping banks to provide entrepreneurs with loans.
Putin: Where would we be without Tatars?
Putin gives a long and positive overview of the work of regional banks with the central bank to help local businesses. Praises cooperation between central bank and local officials in Tatarstan.
Next question is about fighting corruption. Reporter notes that during state-of-the-union address, Putin said that the corruption fight "can't be turned into a show," but he says this continues to happen. Reporter also asks if Putin is following the investigation into the murder of Boris Nemtsov and if he is satisfied with the case.