Putin says the Karlov assassination won't hurt Russia-Turkey ties.
In a clear swipe at NATO, Putin alleges that "extremists" are "deeply entrenched" in the alliance member Turkey's army.
Regarding Aleppo, Putin says Turkey and Iran have played a major role there and credits Russia for coordinating this trilateral intervention. Putin says the three countries are carrying out the biggest humanitarian operation in the world and all of it is based on the cooperation of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Also mentions the help of Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the United States. Putin calls for a cease-fire agreement on the entire territory of Syria and the beginning of political process there -- proposes Kazakh capital, Astana, as the site for such a process.
Next question is on various fees (for medical care, education services, parking, etc.), which he says are basically like paying higher taxes.
In regards to Ukraine question:
Putin says Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Iran, and Turkey all agree on Astana, in Kazakhstan, as a venue for Syria talks.
Questioner asks about parking. Potty break, everyone!
Putin sees a difference between taxes and non-tax fees. Putin says taxes in Russia are among the lowest in the world. Says low tax rates have reduced tax evasion and increased budget revenues. As for non-tax fees, Putin says he doesn't know about them "in detail" because they are established on the regional and municipal levels. Says government needs to look into this. Says register of such payments will be compiled by next June.