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Ten-year-old Sasha stands in a bomb shelter in Donetsk in eastern Ukraine.
Ten-year-old Sasha stands in a bomb shelter in Donetsk in eastern Ukraine.

Live Blog: Ukraine In Crisis (Archive)

Follow all of the latest developments as they happen.

Final News Summary For September 29

-- We have started a new Ukraine Live Blog. Find it here.

-- Ukraine is marking 75 years since the World War II massacre of 33,771 Jews on the outskirts of Nazi-occupied Kyiv.

-- German Chancellor Angela Merkel has urged Russian President Vladimir Putin to stabilize a fragile cease-fire in Ukraine and do all he could to improve what Merkel called a "catastrophic humanitarian situation" in Syria.

-- Russia's Supreme Court has upheld a decision by a Moscow-backed Crimean court to ban the Mejlis, the self-governing body of Crimean Tatars in the occupied Ukrainian territory.

* NOTE: Times are stated according to local time in Kyiv (GMT/UTC +3)

21:23 12.10.2015

Barring any major developments, that ends our live blogging for tonight

07:57 13.10.2015

Dutch Investigative Report On MH17 Downing Due

Dutch air crash investigators release their final report on October 13 on the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 over war-torn Ukraine, in a move likely to worsen already-tense ties between Russia and the West.

Findings from the Dutch Safety Board's 15-month inquiry are due to be released in the morning. Prime Minister Mark Rutte will speak to the press afterward.

The report is expected to say how the Boeing 777 was blown from the sky on July 17, 2014, but not who was responsible.

Preliminary findings by the board said it was hit by "high-energy objects from outside the aircraft."

All 298 people on board, most of them Dutch, were killed when the routine flight between Amsterdam and Kuala Lumpur was brought down -- possibly by a missile -- over eastern Ukraine.

The disaster happened during heavy fighting between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian separatists. Kyiv and the West have blamed the rebels.

But both Moscow and state-owned arms maker Almaz-Antey deny the charges, saying the plane was instead likely brought down by a Buk missile fired by Kyiv.

Almaz-Antey said it will unveil the "real reasons" for the MH17 disaster at a simultaneous press conference in Moscow.

Based on reporting by AFP and Reuters
08:15 13.10.2015

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08:54 13.10.2015

09:03 13.10.2015

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