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Ten-year-old Sasha stands in a bomb shelter in Donetsk in eastern Ukraine.
Ten-year-old Sasha stands in a bomb shelter in Donetsk in eastern Ukraine.

Live Blog: Ukraine In Crisis (Archive)

Follow all of the latest developments as they happen.

Final News Summary For September 29

-- We have started a new Ukraine Live Blog. Find it here.

-- Ukraine is marking 75 years since the World War II massacre of 33,771 Jews on the outskirts of Nazi-occupied Kyiv.

-- German Chancellor Angela Merkel has urged Russian President Vladimir Putin to stabilize a fragile cease-fire in Ukraine and do all he could to improve what Merkel called a "catastrophic humanitarian situation" in Syria.

-- Russia's Supreme Court has upheld a decision by a Moscow-backed Crimean court to ban the Mejlis, the self-governing body of Crimean Tatars in the occupied Ukrainian territory.

* NOTE: Times are stated according to local time in Kyiv (GMT/UTC +3)

21:29 14.10.2015

This ends our live blogging for October 14. Be sure to check back tomorrow for our continuing coverage.

08:28 15.10.2015
Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin addresses the UN Security Council in July.
Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin addresses the UN Security Council in July.

Ukraine Vows To Challenge Russia During Stint On UN Council


Ukraine is expected to win a seat on the UN Security Council in an October 15 vote and is vowing to stand up to Russia, which has used its veto power to wage a strategic tug-of-war with Ukraine and the West.

Ukraine has no opposition so far for the Eastern European seat on the council. It says it is committed to maintaining global peace and security by challenging the clout of its powerful neighbor, Russia, which is a permanent member of the 15-country United Nations decision-making body.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin, who traveled to New York to campaign for his country's election, said that Ukraine has a broader global agenda but that its tone with Russia will "definitely not be conciliatory."

"For the first time, we have an absolutely unique, unimaginable situation...that a permanent member of the UN Security Council is an aggressor in Ukraine, waging a hybrid war against Ukraine," Klimkin said.

He indicated Ukraine foresees gradually limiting and eventually abolishing the right to veto on the council, which is held by permanent members Russia, Britain, China, France, and the United States.

"Abuse of the veto right -- its usage as a 'license to kill' -- is unacceptable," Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko told the UN in September.

France also wants to limit the use of the veto. It has sought to persuade the other four permanent members not to use their veto when action is required to address a mass atrocity.

Russia has vetoed two resolutions on Ukraine -- one affirming Crimea as part of Ukraine and one aiming to set up an international criminal tribunal to prosecute those responsible for the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine.

Richard Gowan, a fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations focusing on the UN, told the German dpa news agency that despite Ukraine's vow to fight Russia, the country will not radically change the dynamics on the council.

Lithuania, which currently represents Eastern Europe, has already harshly criticized Russia over Ukraine.

He noted that despite scathing comments from other Security Council members over the Ukraine conflict, Russia has largely ignored the criticism, which Ukraine's presence will not change.

"I foresee some token diplomatic fireworks from the Ukrainians, but no real change to how the council functions," he said.

During the vote October 14, UN member states will select five nonpermanent members to sit on the Security Council in 2016 and 2017. Candidates will need to get approval from two-thirds of the UN's 193 member countries to win a seat.

Currently, five countries have announced their candidacies for five positions that are becoming vacant at the end of the year: Egypt and Senegal from the African regional group, Japan to represent Asia-Pacific, Uruguay from Latin America, and Ukraine to represent Eastern Europe.

While all countries are running seemingly unopposed, the requirement for a two-thirds majority makes the outcome of the elections somewhat uncertain.

The newcomers will begin their two-year stint on January 1, replacing Chad, Chile, Jordan, Lithuania, and Nigeria.

With reporting by dpa, AFP, and AP
08:29 15.10.2015

Ukrainian Gets Six-Year Prison Term In Russia For Spying

A court in Moscow has sentenced a former defense factory chief from Ukraine to six years in prison on espionage charges.

The Moscow City Court on October 14 found Yuri Soloshenko, the 73-year-old former head of the Znamya electronics plant in Poltava, guilty of spying after a trial behind closed doors.

The Russian Federal Security Service said that Soloshenko was arrested in Moscow in August 2014 while trying to buy secret components for the S-300 air-defense missile system.

Both Russia and Ukraine have the Soviet-designed weapon in their arsenals.

Soloshenko did not appeal the court's verdict and will remain in pretrial detention until his sentence takes effect.

Russia has seen an unprecedented number of espionage and treason cases reach trial over the past year amidst its tug-of-war with Ukraine.

Just last week, a court in western Russia sentenced a man to 12 years in prison for allegedly spying for Ukraine.

Based on reporting by AP, AFP, and TASS
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