Ron Synovitz
Ron Synovitz is a senior correspondent for RFE/RL.
Also by Ron Synovitz
October 09, 2002
Pakistan: Musharraf Decrees Raise Doubts About Legitimacy Of Vote
October 03, 2002
Iraq: World Leaders Lobby Over Proposed UN Resolutions
October 02, 2002
Pakistan: Roots Of Violence Go Deeper Than Al-Qaeda
September 30, 2002
UN: Weapons Inspectors, Baghdad Discussing Details Of New Iraq Mission
September 25, 2002
Germany/U.S.: Roots Of Dispute Go Deeper Than Campaign Rhetoric
September 24, 2002
NATO: Ministers Consider Iraqi Threat, Eastward Expansion
September 18, 2002
Iraq: Letter Could Set Back New UN Resolution By Months
September 17, 2002
Iraq: Reaction Mixed On Iraqi Offer To Readmit UN Weapons Inspectors
September 16, 2002
Iraq: Former U.S. Ambassador Discusses UN Resolutions On Baghdad's Actions
September 12, 2002
U.S.: Command Center Staff Moves To Qatar, Ups Pressure On Iraq
September 11, 2002
Middle East: Analysts Say Anti-American Sentiment At All-Time High
August 08, 2002
Afghanistan: Warlord Threats Continue To Grow Throughout Country
August 07, 2002
Iraq: U.S. Faces Difficulties Building Coalition