Ron Synovitz
Ron Synovitz is a senior correspondent for RFE/RL.
Also by Ron Synovitz
May 05, 2000
EU: EBRD Vote Reflects Competing Interests With U.S.
May 05, 2000
Russia: EBRD Set To Invest More
May 05, 2000
East: New EBRD Chief Knows Russia And EU Candidates
April 04, 2000
Ukraine: Collective Farm System Proves Entrenched
March 03, 2000
Romania: Hungary Complains About Second Toxic Spill
March 03, 2000
UN: Eastern Europe's Arms Trade Violates Sanctions
March 03, 2000
Kosovo: UN Tribunal Considers Report Documenting Rapes
February 02, 2000
Romania: Dispute Grows As Cyanide Spill Reaches Danube
February 02, 2000
World: German Choice For IMF Chief Expected To Get EU Backing
February 02, 2000
Yugoslavia: U.S., NATO Call Belgrade Responsible For Mitrovica Violence
January 01, 2000
Romania: Land Restitution Law A Step Toward Farm Reforms
January 01, 2000
East/West: Tolerance Training Targets Former Communist Countries
January 01, 2000
World: Europe Remains Divided On Next IMF Chief