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Moscow Helsinki Group Fights For Survival In Russia
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Moscow's Helsinki Group, founded in 1976 by Soviet dissident scientists and activists, is fighting for survival. A Moscow court is set to rule in January on liquidating the organization. It's the same court that closed down the Memorial human rights group last year amid an ongoing crackdown on civil society in Russia.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei (right) appointed Ahmad Reza Radan as chief of police in Iran on January 7.
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei (right) appointed Ahmad Reza Radan as chief of police in Iran on January 7.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has appointed Ahmad Reza Radan as the country's new police chief. Radan replaced outgoing Hossein Ashtari after his eight-year term of service ended, state media reported. Radan, who served as acting commander of police from 2008-2014, is known for his violent crackdown on the 2009 mass protests over a disputed presidential election. He also imposed tough measures against women who don't fully observe the hijab law. The United States placed Radan on its human rights sanctions list in 2010, citing his role in suppressing the 2009 protests, including the beatings, killings,and arbitrary arrests of demonstrators. Radan has been also blacklisted by the EU over rights abuses. Radan had been in charge of a police research center. To read the original story by Radio Farda, click here.

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