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Ukrainians Commemorate Orange Revolution

A man participates in the celebrations today (epa) 22 November 2005 -- Ukraine today marked the first anniversary of the Orange Revolution that helped bring down the old regime and elect President Viktor Yushchenko.

Several thousand people waving orange flags gathered today at Kyiv's Independence Square -- the epicenter of last year's mass protests against election fraud.

Former Prime Minister Yuliya Tymoshenko, a leading figure in those events, spoke at the gathering .

"I want us, together, not to drop our guard," Tymoshenko said. " I want you to understand that today (our opponents') chances for revenge are higher than ever. Today, the chance of revenge is the thing that is reviving all those opponents who were getting ready to flee Ukraine and it is revitalizing all the oligarchic clans."

Yushchenko's Dioxin Level

Meanwhile, Yushchenko's office announced today that recent tests showed the president's blood contains 1,000 times the normal amount of dioxin.

The Ukrainian Prosecutor-General's Office ordered the tests as part of a probe into whether Yushchenko was poisoned last year during Ukraine's presidential campaign.

The main forensic bureau of the Ukrainian Health Ministry reportedly conducted the latest blood tests in cooperation with German, British, and Belgian laboratories.

(AFP/UNIAN/I TAR-TASS/ /Korrespondent/Ukrainska Pravda)

The Orange Revolution

The Orange Revolution

An archive of RFE/RL's reporting and analysis on Ukraine's Orange Revolution.

REVOLUTION IN THE AIR: Listen to an audio portrait of the Orange Revolution from RFE/RL's archives.
Real Audio Windows Media

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