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Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers his annual state of the nation address in Moscow on February 20.
Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers his annual state of the nation address in Moscow on February 20.

Live Blog: Putin's State-Of-The-Nation Address As It Happened

President Vladimir Putin has delivered his annual address to parliament as polls show trust in the Russian leader is at near record lows.

-- Russian President Vladimir Putin has delivered his annual address to parliament as polls show trust in the Russian leader is at near record lows. The speech lasted a little under 90 minutes.

The highlights were:

-- Putin said "our missiles will target the United States and not just countries where their missiles are stationed."

-- Putin calls for a raft of measures to lift up Russian families and promised Russians better living conditions “within this year.”

-- Putin said the country can now invest “colossal” resources in its development, using money “earned, not borrowed.”

10:58 20.2.2019

Moves on to discussion of developing agriculture sector to build on the country's "enormous natural gifts." Calls for ecological and safe agricultural products.

10:56 20.2.2019

Calls for improving conditions for investment in private "start-ups." "All our legislation must be based on the new technological environment," he says.

10:55 20.2.2019

10:54 20.2.2019

Some Russia-related news moving as Putin speaks.

10:53 20.2.2019

Calls for creation of a "powerful scientific-technological foundation" for the economy. Says Russia now has a "historic opportunity" to remake its economy.

10:53 20.2.2019

10:53 20.2.2019

Calls for increasing exports of products other than raw materials.

10:51 20.2.2019

Calls for increasing rate of economic growth as the best way of overcoming poverty. Calls on Central Bank to create good macroeconomic conditions. Says Russia's economic reserves are greater than its debts, national and commercial, for the first time in history.

10:51 20.2.2019

10:48 20.2.2019

Calls for eliminating the profit tax for cultural institutions.

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