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Ukrainian acting Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk (right) welcomes U.S. Vice President Joe Biden before their meeting in Kyiv today.
Ukrainian acting Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk (right) welcomes U.S. Vice President Joe Biden before their meeting in Kyiv today.

Live Blog: Ukraine In Crisis (Archive)

14:41 20.4.2014
RFE/RL's multimedia department has issued this Reuters footage of the aftermath of the shoot-out near Slovyansk (WARNING: Graphic Content):
At Least Two Killed In Shooting Near Slovyansk, Eastern Ukraine
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14:23 20.4.2014
14:08 20.4.2014
14:05 20.4.2014
Ukraine's Kanal TV is reporting that the Right Sector is denying any involvement in today's shoot-out.

"This is all the Kremlin's blatant lies," Right Sector spokesman Artem Skoropadskyy said in a telephone interview. "The Kremlin itself provoked a scuffle, the Kremlin itself staged an act of provocation and is once again attempting to blame the Right Sector for its unlawful actions."

Skoropadskyy denied that the Right Sector had anything to do "with any shoot-outs or any other activity mentioned in the statement of the Russian Foreign Ministry." He went on to claim that the Russian news site Lifenews, which he described as a "notorious information cesspool," fueled the story by reporting that Right Sector leader Dmytro Yarosh's business cards were found in "completely burned-out vehicles" at the scene. "This is, of course, completely absurd," Skoropadskyy concluded.

The Kyiv-based Kanal 5 is owned by billionaire businessman and presidential hopeful Petro Poroshenko.
13:43 20.4.2014
13:41 20.4.2014
13:38 20.4.2014
13:36 20.4.2014
Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Aleksandr Lukashevich's media statement in reaction to today's shooting incident near Slovyansk:

"Russia is outraged over this provocation staged by militants, which shows Kyiv's unwillingness to rein in and disarm nationalists and extremists. It comes as a surprise that the tragedy unfolded after the declaration adopted on April 17 in Geneva by representatives of Russia, the United States, the European Union, and Ukraine that unambiguously calls for refrain from any violence, intimidation, and provocations. Russia insists that Ukraine strictly implements its commitments to de-escalate the situation in the southeast of Ukraine."
13:07 20.4.2014
13:04 20.4.2014

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